Climate Studies, IIT Bombay

Flyer Mumbai Flood App
Prof Subimal feli
Summer school
IMG_9686 (1)
IDPCS promotional poster for Faculty
Welcome to IDP in Climate Studies

The interdisciplinary program (IDP) in Climate Studies was initiated at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, in January 2012, at the doctoral level. The mandate of the IDP in Climate Studies is to undertake interdisciplinary research and education to develop a scientific understanding of regional climate change and connect it to impacts (environment, resources, socio-economic) and effective response (technology and adaptation). 

IDPCS Quarterly newsletter is back !! Read  here

You can find out more about us from our brochure and this video!

Climate Studies Review Report is live now! Click here for report and annexures.

 India’s Climate Research Agenda: 2030 and beyond 

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IDDDP in Climate Studies starting from Autumn 2024! For details, please click on the following link